
Become an expert in all things outreach sales and social selling.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is lemlist used for ?

lemlist is the most advanced sales engagement platform and the top choice for customer generation.
As an all-in-one outreach solution, lemlist allows you to:

→ Find buyer-ready prospects and their contact details with minimal effort directly on the platform, using the most accurate and up-to-date database of 450 million leads

→ Discover valid email addresses for your LinkedIn leads directly within lemlist - no need for third-party tools.

→ Generate highly personalized multichannel campaigns using the most advanced AI on the market, trained by successful campaigns from over 400 million emails sent by top outreach experts.

→ Create multichannel campaigns with advanced conditions to engage leads on their preferred channel at the optimal time, resulting in higher conversions.

→ Personalize emails at scale by incorporating custom intro lines, images, dynamic landing pages, liquid syntax, and more.

→ Avoid the risk of ending up in spam folders by using the most advanced warm-up and deliverability booster available on the market (for free)

Founded in 2018, lemlist has been revolutionizing prospecting as a leader in personalized outreach, deliverability, multi-channel prospecting, and enabling users to find their leads within the platform directly.

Over 37,284 users have put their prospecting on autopilot mode and generate millions in revenue monthly with lemlist.

Can I get a demo of lemlist ?

Yes! We currently conduct LIVE group demos to guide you through lemlist and address all your questions. You can view the upcoming sessions and register by clicking here.

What can I try during the lemlist’s 14-day free trial ?

The 14-day free trial provides you access to most of the features lemlist offers, enabling you to explore the product without any limitations.You'll have the capability to:

→ Discover 100 ideal buyer-ready prospects for free

→ Find 150 prospects' contact details directly in lemlist

→ Create and launch highly multi-channel personalized campaigns with all available steps (email, LinkedIn, call, API, etc.)

→ Access detailed campaign reports

→ Use the task section and all other features that lemlist offers.

The only elements you won't have access to are the Dropcontact, Datagma, or Aircall integrations, and you won't have the ability to create teams.

Throughout the free trial, you'll be able to reach out to over 50 people with your campaign.

Can I sync. lemlist with my CRM ?

Yes! You can natively integrate your HubSpot, SalesForce and Pipedrive CRM. You can push all activities from your campaigns (e.g. new lead, email sent, email opened, etc.) as well as send leads from your CRM to lemlist campaigns.

You can use tools like Zapier, or Pabbly to connect your CRM to lemlist.

Can I get help with my technical setup ?

Yes! We have step-by-step guides accessible here and in lemlist when you start the onboarding process. You can also book a meeting with our customer success team to help you set it up.

Please contact them using the chat bubble from your lemlist account or via